Parameter | Description |
day | Min. value: 1, max value: 31. |
month | Min. value: 1 (January), max value: 12 (December). |
year | E.g. 1945, 2012, 32767 |
country | ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country code or ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code |
region | Possible values for New Zealand: ISO 3166-2:NZ codes - auk, bop, can, gis, hkb, mbh, mwt, nsn, ntl, ota, stl, tas, tki, wko, wgn, wtc, cit Possible values for Australia: ISO 3166-2:AU codes - nsw, qld, sa, tas, vic, wa, act, nt Possible values for Canada: ISO 3166-2:CA codes - ab, bc, mb, nb, nl, ns, on, pe, qc, sk, nt, nu, yt Possible values for United States of America: ISO 3166-2:US codes - al, ak, az, ar, ca, co, ct, de, fl, ga, hi, id, il, in, ia, ks, ky, la, me, md, ma, mi, mn, ms, mo, mt, ne, nv, nh, nj, nm, ny, nc, nd, oh, ok, or, pa, ri, sc, sd, tn, tx, ut, vt, va, wa, wv, wi, wy, dc Possible values for Germany: ISO 3166-2:DE codes - bw, by, be, bb, hb, hh, he, mv, ni, nw, rp, sl, sn, st, sh, th Possible values for Great Britain: ISO 3166-2:GB codes - eng, nir, sct, wls |
holidayType |
Possible values
<text>Saint Etienne</text>
<text>Boxing Day</text>
<text>Observed only in Alsace and Moselle</text>
Parameter | Description |
date | Date on which holiday takes place. Parameter dayOfWeek specifies numerical value of week day. Monday=1. Tuesday=2, ..., Saturday=6, Sunday=7. |
dateTo | In case holiday takes place on more than 1 day, this is the last day of holiday duration. Previous parameter date is the first day of holiday duration. |
observedOn | Specifies the date on which holiday is observed. If missing holiday is observed on date specified in date parameter. |
name | One or more names for the given holiday. Every name has a ISO 639-1 language code to specify the language. |
flags | One or more flags for the given holiday. Possible flags are:
note | One or more notes for the given holiday. Every note has a ISO 639-1 language code to specify the language. |
holidayType | Type of the holiday. Possible values are:
Parameter | Description |
fullName | Display name of the country. |
countryCode | ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country code. |
region | ISO 3166-2 list of regions in the country. This list can be empty if holiday dates do not differ across country. |
fromDate | Date from which holidays are available for this country. |
toDate | Date to which holidays are available for this country. |
holidayType | List of holiday types available for this country. Possible values are: